Arduino Memory Game

Arduino Memory Game Image

This is an arduino project that I had a lot of fun working on. It utilizes the arduino as well as a joystick module, a liqiud crystal display (LCD), and four LEDs. The base of the game is that the arduino program generates an random sequence of colors corresponding to the color of each of the LEDs. Once it creates the pattern it will dispaly it on the (LCD) and light up the LEDs in the corresponding sequence. Once it is done lighting up the LEDs it waits for the player to use the joystick module to input the same sequence. The program checks each input the player makes with the sequence to see if the player is correct. If the player is correct it moves on to the next part of the sequence. If not It will flash all the LEDs at onece and display game over you lose on the LCD. After a few second the LEDs will begin to flash rapidly and the LCD will show the words move up to play again. When the player moves the joystick up the LEDs will stop flashing the program will begin a new sequence.

Inputting Sequence

Inputting Sequence Image

Game Over and Play again

Game over Image Play Again Image